Hot Line Sponsors Local Hockey Team
Sponsorship at the surface is often measured in dollars and cents but when looked at with a deeper perspective sponsorship is equal to opportunity. Hot Line is a proud sponsor of Sparta Youth Hockey!
For a non profit association such as SYHA whose financial income is 20% fundraising and sponsorship, every dollar given to sponsoring the organization is an opportunity that would not be present without it. Sponsors provide opportunities to play the sport, work with appropriate training tools, and help the association with its link to the community (trainers for open skates). Without our sponsors we could not operate our rink.
In this situation sponsorship also lends itself to belonging. Team shirts increase team unity and friendships. The identity of these players is made up of many aspects…. school, faith, family, friends, and SPORTS. In a world where personal relationships is getting harder to create and maintain sports teams and the friendships that are made on the ice become an even more important aspect of who these players will become as adults.
Jrue Peters-Age 6-Mite Level
What does hockey mean to you? I just like hockey, I want to play it so I play it, I love it. It’s fun.
What is your favorite thing about hockey? Skating, I love skating and all my friends I made in hockey.
What is something you would say to someone wanting to try out hockey? Wanna try hockey? Be ready it is tough work, but it is always fun!
Karalyn Hertzfeldt-Age 9-Squirt Level
What does Hockey mean to you? It means a lot to me, it means accomplishing goals, it means working hard, it means friends and most of all it means FAMILY.
What is your favorite thing about hockey? Meet new people, make new friends and see them more often.
What is something you would say to someone wanting to try out hockey? It is fun, and a good sport everyone should try it!
Sawyar Kehren-Age 12- Pee Wee Level
What does hockey mean to you? It means a lot it is my favorite sport to play.
What is your favorite thing about hockey? Being with my friends and having a good time.
What is something you would say to someone wanting to try out hockey? It will be really fun and you can try anytime you want.